
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const glob = require('glob');
const _ = require('lodash');
const errors = require('./errors');
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
const pathModule = require('path');
const Teepee = require('teepee');
const urlTools = require('urltools');
const normalizeUrl = require('normalizeurl').create({ leaveAlone: ',&+' }); // Don't turn ?rotate&resize=10,10 into ?rotate%26resize=10%2C10
const TransformQueue = require('./TransformQueue');
const resolveDataUrl = require('./util/resolveDataUrl');
const compileQuery = require('./compileQuery');

function warnIncompatibleTypes(incompatibleTypes, asset, emittedWarnings) {
  const errorString = `Asset is used as both ${[...incompatibleTypes]
    .join(' and ')}`;
  if (!emittedWarnings.has(errorString)) {
    const err = new Error(errorString);
    err.asset = asset;

 * A graph model of a website, consisting of [Assets]{@link Asset} (edges) and [Relations]{@link Relation}.
 * @extends EventEmitter
class AssetGraph extends EventEmitter {
   * Create a new AssetGraph instance.
   * Options:
   *  - `root` (optional) The root URL of the graph, either as a fully
   *           qualified `file:` or `http:` url or file system
   *           path. Defaults to the current directory,
   *           ie. `file://<process.cwd()>/`. The purpose of the root
   *           option is to allow resolution of root-relative urls
   *           (eg. `<a href="/foo.html">`) from `file:` locations.
   * Examples:
   *     new AssetGraph()
   *         // => root: "file:///current/working/dir/"
   *     new AssetGraph({root: '/absolute/fs/path'});
   *         // => root: "file:///absolute/fs/path/"
   *     new AssetGraph({root: 'relative/path'})
   *         // => root: "file:///current/working/dir/relative/path/"
   * @constructor
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {String} [options.root] AssetGraph root, allowing root relative URL resolution
   * @param {String} [options.canonicalRoot] Canonical URL root of deployed graph. Matching relations will be treated as root relative
  constructor(options = {}) {

    if (!(this instanceof AssetGraph)) {
      return new AssetGraph(options);

    this.isAssetGraph = true;

    Object.assign(this, options);

    // this.root might be undefined, in which case urlTools.urlOrFsPathToUrl will use process.cwd()
    this.root = normalizeUrl(urlTools.urlOrFsPathToUrl(this.root, true)); // ensureTrailingSlash

    this._assets = new Set();
    this.idIndex = {};
    this._urlIndex = {};

    this.teepee = new Teepee({
      retry: ['selfRedirect', '5xx'],
      headers: {
        'User-Agent': `AssetGraph v${
        } (`,
    // Clumsily opt out of teepee's expansion of {...} placeholders in urls.
    // We don't want that in assetgraph, and the regexp that teepee uses breaks for certain inputs:
    this.teepee.expandUrl = function (url) {
      return url;

  set canonicalRoot(canonicalRoot) {
    // Split into this._canonicalRootBase and this._canonicalRootPath internally
    this._canonicalRootPath = undefined;
    this._canonicalRootBase = undefined;
    if (canonicalRoot) {
      if (typeof canonicalRoot !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('AssetGraph: canonicalRoot must be a URL string');

      // Validate that the given canonicalRoot is actually a URL
      if (/^\/[^/].*/.test(canonicalRoot)) {
        // Root-relative url
        this._canonicalRootPath = canonicalRoot;
      } else if (!/^(?:https?:)?\/\//i.test(canonicalRoot)) {
        throw new Error('AssetGraph: canonicalRoot must be a URL string');

      if (canonicalRoot[canonicalRoot.length - 1] !== '/') {
        canonicalRoot += '/';
      canonicalRoot = canonicalRoot
        .replace(/\/?$/, '/') // Ensure trailing slash on canonical root
        .replace(/([^/])(\/[^/].*)\/$/, ($0, $1, $2) => {
          // Extract path component into _canonicalRootPath
          this._canonicalRootPath = $2;
          return `${$1}/`;

      this._canonicalRootBase = canonicalRoot;

  get canonicalRoot() {
    if (this._canonicalRootBase) {
      return (
        this._canonicalRootBase +
        (this._canonicalRootPath ? this._canonicalRootPath.slice(1) : '')
    } else {
      return this._canonicalRootPath;

   * The absolute root url of the graph, always includes a trailing
   * slash. A normalized version of the `root` option provided to
   * the constructor.
   * @member {String} AssetGraph#root

   * The absolute root url of the graph if it was deployed on its production domain.
   * Some URLs must be canonical and point to the domain as well,
   * which poses some problems when populating a dependency graph from disc.
   * Canonical URLs will be treated as cross origin if `canonicalRoot` is not set.
   * When `canonicalUrl` is set, any encounter of a relation to an asset with a canonical URL
   * will be assumed to also exist on disc at the corresponding AssetGraph.root relative URL,
   * and thus loaded from there.
   * Setting a [Relation]{@link Relation} to have `relation.canonical = true` will cause
   * the relations `href` to be absolute and prepended with the graphs `canonicalRoot`
   * @member {String} AssetGraph#canonicalRoot

   * Emit a warning event on the event bus.
   * Warnings events are emitted when AssetGraph encounters an error
   * during it's lifecycle, which doesn't stop it dead in its track.
   * Warning events are usually errors on a website that you want to fix,
   * since the model might not correspond to your mental model i they go
   * unfixed.
   * If no event listeners are intercepting warning events, they will escalate to throw.
   * @param  {String | Error} messageOrError The message or error to emit
  warn(messageOrError) {
    let err;
    if (typeof messageOrError === 'string') {
      err = new Error(messageOrError);
    } else {
      err = messageOrError;
    if (this.listeners('warn').length > 0) {
      this.emit('warn', err);
    } else {
      // jsdom's DOMException throws when attempting to update the message property directly
      Object.defineProperty(err, 'message', {
        value: `Encountered warning, add a 'warn' event handler to suppress:\n${err.stack}`,
      throw err;

   * Emit a info event on the event bus.
   * Info events are helpful hints informing of encounters
   * of possible problems, where an automated fix has been applied
   * and everything has been handled
   * @param  {String | Error} messageOrError The message or error to emit
  info(messageOrError) {
    let err;
    if (typeof messageOrError === 'string') {
      err = new Error(messageOrError);
    } else {
      err = messageOrError;
    this.emit('info', err);

   * Add an asset to the graph.
   * @param {Asset|String|AssetConfig} assetConfig The Asset, Url or AssetConfig to construct an Asset from
   * @return {Asset} The assets instance that was added
  addAsset(assetConfig, incomingRelation) {
    if (
      Array.isArray(assetConfig) ||
      (typeof assetConfig === 'string' &&
        !/^[a-zA-Z-+]+:/.test(assetConfig) &&
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        'AssetGraph#addAsset does not accept an array or glob patterns, try the addAssets method or the loadAssets transform'
    const baseUrl = (incomingRelation && incomingRelation.baseUrl) || this.root;
    if (typeof assetConfig === 'string') {
      if (/^[a-zA-Z-+]+:/.test(assetConfig)) {
        if (!/^data:/i.test(assetConfig)) {
          assetConfig = normalizeUrl(assetConfig);
        assetConfig = { url: assetConfig };
      } else {
        assetConfig = {
          url: this.resolveUrl(baseUrl, normalizeUrl(encodeURI(assetConfig))),
    let asset;
    if (assetConfig.isAsset) {
      // An already instantiated asset
      asset = assetConfig;
      asset.assetGraph = this;
    } else {
      if (typeof assetConfig.url === 'string') {
        if (!/^[a-zA-Z-+]+:/.test(assetConfig.url)) {
          assetConfig.url = this.resolveUrl(baseUrl, assetConfig.url);
        assetConfig.url = assetConfig.url.replace(/#.*$/, '');

        if (!/^data:/i.test(assetConfig.url)) {
          // Browsers interpret control chars and non-ASCII chars in urls as to percent-encoded utf-8 octets
          // Make the same transformation early so we treat these urls as identical
          assetConfig.url = assetConfig.url.replace(

        if (this.canonicalRoot) {
          if (assetConfig.url.startsWith(this.canonicalRoot)) {
            assetConfig.url = assetConfig.url.replace(

          // Canonical urls always end in slash, but should also match urls with no path or trailing slash.
          // Make a direct equality comparison without the slash
          if (assetConfig.url === this.canonicalRoot.slice(0, -1)) {
            assetConfig.url = this.root;
        if (/^data:/.test(assetConfig.url)) {
          const parsedDataUrl = resolveDataUrl(assetConfig.url);
          if (parsedDataUrl) {
            Object.assign(assetConfig, parsedDataUrl);
            assetConfig.url = undefined;
            assetConfig.type =
              assetConfig.type ||
          } else {
              new errors.ParseError(`Cannot parse data url: ${assetConfig.url}`)
        } else if (/^javascript:/i.test(assetConfig.url)) {
          assetConfig.text = decodeURIComponent(
            assetConfig.url.replace(/^javascript:/i, '')
          assetConfig.url = undefined;
          assetConfig.type = 'JavaScript';
        } else {
          // Check if an asset with that url already exists in the graph,
          // and if it does, update it with the information contained
          // in assetConfig:
          asset = this._urlIndex[assetConfig.url];
          if (asset) {
            // New information about an existing asset has arrived
      if (!asset) {
        if (typeof assetConfig.url === 'undefined' && incomingRelation) {
          assetConfig.incomingInlineRelation = incomingRelation;
        if (assetConfig instanceof this.Asset) {
          asset = assetConfig;
        } else {
          if (assetConfig.type) {
            asset = new AssetGraph[assetConfig.type](assetConfig, this);
          } else {
            asset = new this.Asset(assetConfig, this);
          if (!incomingRelation && !asset.url) {
            // Non-inline asset without an url -- make up a unique url:
    asset._tryUpgrade(undefined, incomingRelation);
    if (!this.idIndex[]) {
      this.idIndex[] = asset;
      if (asset.url) {
        this._urlIndex[asset.url] = asset;
      asset.isPopulated = false;
      this.emit('addAsset', asset);
    return asset;

   * Add assets to the graph.
   * @param {...(Asset[]|String|String[]|AssetConfig|AssetConfig[])} assetConfigs The asset specs to add
   * @return {Asset[]} The assets instances that were added
  addAssets(...assetConfigs) {
    const assets = [];
    for (const assetConfig of _.flattenDeep(assetConfigs)) {
      if (
        typeof assetConfig === 'string' &&
        !/^[a-zA-Z-+]+:/.test(assetConfig) &&
      ) {
                this.root ? urlTools.fileUrlToFsPath(this.root) : process.cwd(),
                nodir: true,
            .map((path) => this.addAsset(encodeURI(`file://${path}`)))
      } else {
    return assets;

   * Remove an asset from the graph. Also removes the incoming and
   * outgoing relations of the asset.
   * @param {Asset} asset The asset to remove.
   * @return {AssetGraph} The AssetGraph instance (chaining-friendly).
  removeAsset(asset) {
    if (!this.idIndex[]) {
      throw new Error(`AssetGraph.removeAsset: ${asset} not in graph`);
    if (asset._outgoingRelations) {
      const outgoingRelations = [...asset._outgoingRelations];
      // Remove the outgoing relations as to not trigger the
      // "<relation> will be detached..." warning in the recursive
      // removeAsset calls:
      asset._outgoingRelations = undefined;

      for (const outgoingRelation of outgoingRelations) {
        if (
 !== outgoingRelation.from
        ) {
          // Remove inline asset
      // Put back the outgoing relations so that the relations are still
      // in a resolved state, even though the asset is no longer in the
      // graph. This is debatable since we don't really want to support
      // assets living outside of the context of an AssetGraph instance,
      // but not doing it makes a test fail here:
      // ... so let's consider whether to nuke that test at some point.
      asset._outgoingRelations = outgoingRelations;
    let stillAttachedIncomingRelations = false;
    for (const incomingRelation of asset.incomingRelations) {
      if (
        incomingRelation.from !== &&
        incomingRelation.hrefType !== 'inline'
      ) {
          new Error(
            `${incomingRelation.toString()} will be detached as a result of removing ${
            } from the graph`
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          stillAttachedIncomingRelations = true;
      } else {
    if (stillAttachedIncomingRelations) {
        new Error(
          `Leaving ${asset.urlOrDescription} unloaded in the graph, some incoming relations could not be detached`
    } else {
      if (!this._assets.delete(asset)) {
        throw new Error(`removeAsset: ${asset} not in graph`);
      this.idIndex[] = undefined;
      const url = asset.url;
      if (url) {
        if (this._urlIndex[url]) {
          delete this._urlIndex[url];
        } else {
          throw new Error(`Internal error: ${url} not in _urlIndex`);
      asset.assetGraph = undefined;
      this.emit('removeAsset', asset);
    return this;

   * Query assets in the graph.
   * Example usage:
   *     const allAssetsInGraph = ag.findAssets();
   *     const htmlAssets = ag.findAssets({type: 'Html'});
   *     const localImageAssets = ag.findAssets({
   *         url: { protocol: 'file:', extension: { $regex: /^(?:png|gif|jpg)$/ }
   *     });
   *     const orphanedJavaScriptAssets = ag.findAssets(function (asset) {
   *         return asset.type === 'JavaScript' &&
   *                ag.findRelations({to: asset}).length === 0;
   *     });
   *     const textBasedAssetsOnGoogleCom = ag.findAssets({
   *         isText: true,
   *         url: {$regex: /^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)google\.com\//}
   *     });
   * @param {Object} [queryObj={}] Query to match assets against. Will match all assets if not provided.
   * @return {Asset[]} The found assets.
  findAssets(queryObj = {}) {
    const result = [];
    const compiledQuery = compileQuery(queryObj);
    for (const asset of this._assets) {
      if (compiledQuery(asset)) {
    return result;

   * Query relations in the graph.
   * Example usage:
   *     const allRelationsInGraph = ag.findRelations();
   *     const allHtmlScriptRelations = ag.findRelations({
   *         type: 'HtmlScript'
   *     });
   *     const htmlAnchorsPointingAtLocalImages = ag.findRelations({
   *         type: 'HtmlAnchor',
   *         to: {isImage: true, url: {$regex: /^file:/}}
   *     });
   * @param {Object} [queryObj={}] Query to match Relations against. Will match all relations if not provided.
   * @return {Relation[]} The found relations.
  findRelations(queryObj = {}) {
    let sourceAssets;
    if (queryObj && typeof queryObj.from !== 'undefined') {
      if (queryObj.from && queryObj.from.isAsset) {
        sourceAssets = [queryObj.from];
      } else if (queryObj.from && Array.isArray(queryObj.from)) {
        sourceAssets = [];
        for (const fromEntry of queryObj.from) {
          if (fromEntry.isAsset) {
          } else {
        sourceAssets = _.uniq(sourceAssets);
      } else {
        sourceAssets = this.findAssets(queryObj.from);
    } else {
      sourceAssets = this._assets;
    const candidateRelations = [];
    for (const sourceAsset of sourceAssets) {
      if (sourceAsset.isPopulated) {
    const result = [];
    const compiledQuery = compileQuery(queryObj);
    for (const relation of candidateRelations) {
      if (compiledQuery(relation)) {
    return result;

  // Resolve a url while taking the root of the AssetGraph instance into account
  resolveUrl(fromUrl, url) {
    if (
      /^\/(?:[^/]|$)/.test(url) &&
      /^file:/.test(fromUrl) &&
    ) {
      if (this._canonicalRootPath && url.startsWith(this._canonicalRootPath)) {
        url = url.substr(this._canonicalRootPath.length);
      return urlTools.resolveUrl(this.root, url.substr(1));
    } else {
      return urlTools.resolveUrl(fromUrl, url);

   * @deprecated Use the more generic AssetGraph#buildHref instead
  buildRootRelativeUrl(targetUrl, baseUrl) {
    return this.buildHref(targetUrl, baseUrl, { hrefType: 'rootRelative' });

  buildHref(targetUrl, baseUrl, { hrefType, canonical, nonBareRelative } = {}) {
    let href;
    if (hrefType === 'rootRelative' && !canonical) {
      href =
        (this._canonicalRootPath || '') +
          baseUrl || this.root,
    } else if (hrefType === 'relative' && !canonical) {
      href = urlTools.buildRelativeUrl(baseUrl, targetUrl);
      if (nonBareRelative && !/^\.\.\/|^\/|^[a-z0-9+]+:/.test(href)) {
        href = `./${href}`;
    } else if (hrefType === 'protocolRelative') {
      href = urlTools.buildProtocolRelativeUrl(baseUrl, targetUrl);
    } else {
      // Absolute or relative/rootRelative in canonical mode
      href = targetUrl;
    if (canonical) {
      href = href.replace(this.root, this.canonicalRoot);
    return href;

  // Traversal:

  eachAssetPreOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, lambda) {
    if (!lambda) {
      lambda = relationQueryObj;
      relationQueryObj = null;
    this._traverse(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, lambda);

  eachAssetPostOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, lambda) {
    if (!lambda) {
      lambda = relationQueryObj;
      relationQueryObj = null;
    this._traverse(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, null, lambda);

  ) {
    const relationQueryMatcher =
      relationQueryObj && compileQuery(relationQueryObj);
    let startAsset;
    let startRelation;
    if (startAssetOrRelation.isRelation) {
      startRelation = startAssetOrRelation;
      startAsset =;
    } else {
      // incomingRelation will be undefined when (pre|post)OrderLambda(startAsset) is called
      startAsset = startAssetOrRelation;

    const seenAssets = {};
    const assetStack = [];
    const traverse = (asset, incomingRelation) => {
      if (!seenAssets[]) {
        if (preOrderLambda) {
          preOrderLambda(asset, incomingRelation);
        seenAssets[] = true;
        for (const relation of this.findRelations({ from: asset })) {
          if (!relationQueryMatcher || relationQueryMatcher(relation)) {
            traverse(, relation);
        const previousAsset = assetStack.pop();
        if (postOrderLambda) {
          postOrderLambda(previousAsset, incomingRelation);

    traverse(startAsset, startRelation);

  collectAssetsPreOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj) {
    const assetsInOrder = [];
    this.eachAssetPreOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, (asset) => {
    return assetsInOrder;

  collectAssetsPostOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj) {
    const assetsInOrder = [];
    this.eachAssetPostOrder(startAssetOrRelation, relationQueryObj, (asset) => {
    return assetsInOrder;

  // Transforms:
  _runTransform(transform, cb) {
    const startTime = new Date();
    const done = (err, result) => {
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);
      this.emit('afterTransform', transform, new Date().getTime() - startTime);
      cb(null, result);

    this.emit('beforeTransform', transform);

    if (transform.length < 2) {
      setImmediate(() => {
        let returnValue;
        try {
          returnValue = transform(this);
        } catch (err) {
          return done(err);
        if (returnValue && typeof returnValue.then === 'function') {
          returnValue.then((result) => done(null, result), done);
        } else {
          done(null, returnValue);
    } else {
      let callbackCalled = false;
      try {
        const returnValue = transform(this, (err, result) => {
          if (callbackCalled) {
              `AssetGraph._runTransform: The transform ${} called the callback more than once!`
          } else {
            callbackCalled = true;
            done(err, result);
        if (returnValue && typeof returnValue.then === 'function') {
          setImmediate(() =>
              new Error(
                'A transform cannot both take a callback and return a promise'
      } catch (e) {
        setImmediate(() => cb(e));
    return this;

  _isCompatibleWith(asset, Class) {
    if (typeof Class === 'undefined') {
      Class = AssetGraph.Asset;
    } else if (typeof Class === 'string') {
      Class = AssetGraph[Class];

    return (
      asset instanceof Class ||
      !asset._type ||
      Class.prototype instanceof AssetGraph[asset._type] ||
      !!(asset.isImage && Class === AssetGraph.Image) || // Svg is modelled as a subclass of Xml, not Image
      !!(asset.isImage && Class === AssetGraph.Font) // Svg can be used as a font as well

  checkIncompatibleTypesForAsset(asset) {
    const emittedWarnings = new Set();

    const types = asset.incomingRelations
      .map((r) => r.targetType)
      .filter((t) => t);

    const contentType =
      asset.location === undefined &&, 'contentType') &&

    const typeFromContentType =
      contentType && AssetGraph.typeByContentType[contentType];

    if (
      typeFromContentType &&
      asset.location === undefined &&
      !this._isCompatibleWith(asset, typeFromContentType)
    ) {
      const err = new Error(
        `Asset served with a Content-Type of ${contentType}, but used as ${asset.type}`
      err.asset = asset;

    let commonType;
    for (const type of types) {
      if (!commonType) {
        commonType = type;
      } else if (
        commonType !== type &&
        !AssetGraph[commonType].prototype[`is${type}`] &&
      ) {
        warnIncompatibleTypes([commonType, type], asset, emittedWarnings);
        commonType = undefined;
    if (commonType) {
      if (
        asset._inferredType &&
        !AssetGraph[commonType].prototype[`is${asset._inferredType}`] &&
      ) {
          [asset._inferredType, commonType],
      } else {
        asset._inferredType = commonType;
    if (contentType === 'text/plain' && commonType && commonType !== 'Text') {
      // Don't allow an isText asset to pass as compatible with explicit text/plain
      const err = new Error(
        `Asset served with a Content-Type of ${contentType}, but used as ${commonType}`
      err.asset = asset;

module.exports = AssetGraph;

AssetGraph.typeByExtension = AssetGraph.prototype.typeByExtension = {};

AssetGraph.typeByContentType = AssetGraph.prototype.typeByContentType = {};
// FIXME: Add this capability to the individual assets
AssetGraph.typeByContentType['text/javascript'] = 'JavaScript';
AssetGraph.typeByContentType['application/x-font-woff'] = 'Woff';

AssetGraph.lookupContentType = AssetGraph.prototype.lookupContentType = (
) => {
  if (contentType) {
    // Trim whitespace and semicolon suffixes such as ;charset=...
    contentType = contentType.match(/^\s*([^;\s]*)(?:;|\s|$)/)[1].toLowerCase(); // Will always match
    if (AssetGraph.typeByContentType[contentType]) {
      return AssetGraph.typeByContentType[contentType];
    } else if (/\+xml$/i.test(contentType)) {
      const contentTypeWithoutXmlSuffix = contentType.replace(/\+xml$/i, '');
      return AssetGraph.typeByContentType[contentTypeWithoutXmlSuffix] || 'Xml';
    } else if (AssetGraph.typeByContentType[`${contentType}+xml`]) {
      return AssetGraph.typeByContentType[`${contentType}+xml`];
    } else if (/^text\//i.test(contentType)) {
      return 'Text';

// Add AssetGraph helper methods that implicitly create a new TransformQueue:
for (const methodName of ['if', 'queue']) {
  AssetGraph.prototype[methodName] = function (...args) {
    // ...
    const transformQueue = new TransformQueue(this);
    return transformQueue[methodName].apply(transformQueue, args);

AssetGraph.prototype.if_ = AssetGraph.prototype.if;

AssetGraph.transforms = {};

AssetGraph.registerTransform = (fileNameOrFunction, name) => {
  if (typeof fileNameOrFunction === 'function') {
    name = name ||;
    AssetGraph.transforms[name] = fileNameOrFunction;
  } else {
    // File name
    name = name || pathModule.basename(fileNameOrFunction, '.js');
    fileNameOrFunction = pathModule.resolve(process.cwd(), fileNameOrFunction); // Absolutify if not already absolute
    AssetGraph.transforms.__defineGetter__(name, () =>
  TransformQueue.prototype[name] = function (...args) {
    // ...
    if (
      !this.conditions.length ||
      this.conditions[this.conditions.length - 1]
    ) {
      this.transforms.push(AssetGraph.transforms[name].apply(this, args));
    return this;
  // Make assetGraph.<transformName>(options) a shorthand for creating a new TransformQueue:
  AssetGraph.prototype[name] = function (...args) {
    // ...
    const transformQueue = new TransformQueue(this);
    return transformQueue[name].apply(transformQueue, args);

 * Register a new [Asset]{@link Asset} type in AssetGraph
 * @static
 * @param  {Function} Constructor An Asset constructor
 * @param  {String} type a unique type for the asset
AssetGraph.registerAsset = (Constructor, type) => {
  type = type ||;
  const prototype = Constructor.prototype;
  let publicType = type;
  if (type === 'Asset') {
    publicType = undefined;
  } else {
    prototype._type = type;
  AssetGraph[type] = AssetGraph.prototype[type] = Constructor;
  Constructor.relations = new Set();
  Constructor.prototype[`is${type}`] = true;
  if (
    prototype.contentType &&
    ) ||
  ) {
    if (AssetGraph.typeByContentType[prototype.contentType]) {
        `${type}: Redefinition of Content-Type ${prototype.contentType}`
    AssetGraph.typeByContentType[prototype.contentType] = publicType;
  if (prototype.supportedExtensions) {
    for (const supportedExtension of prototype.supportedExtensions) {
      if (AssetGraph.typeByExtension[supportedExtension]) {
          `${type}: Redefinition of ${supportedExtension} extension`
      AssetGraph.typeByExtension[supportedExtension] = publicType;

 * Register a new [Relation]{@link Relation} type in AssetGraph
 * @static
 * @param  {Function | String} fileNameOrConstructor A Relation constructor or a file name that exports one
 * @param  {String} type A unique type for the relation
AssetGraph.registerRelation = (fileNameOrConstructor, type) => {
  if (typeof fileNameOrConstructor === 'function') {
    type = type ||;
    fileNameOrConstructor.prototype.type = type;
    AssetGraph[type] = AssetGraph.prototype[type] = fileNameOrConstructor;
  } else {
    const fileNameRegex =
      os.platform() === 'win32' ? /\\([^\\]+)\.js$/ : /\/([^/]+)\.js$/;
    // Assume file name
    type = type || fileNameOrConstructor.match(fileNameRegex)[1];
    const getter = () => {
      const Constructor = require(fileNameOrConstructor);
      Constructor.prototype.type = type;
      return Constructor;
    AssetGraph.__defineGetter__(type, getter);
    AssetGraph.prototype.__defineGetter__(type, getter);

for (const fileName of fs.readdirSync(
  pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'transforms')
)) {
    pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'transforms', fileName)

for (const fileName of fs.readdirSync(
  pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'assets')
)) {
  if (/\.js$/.test(fileName) && fileName !== 'index.js') {
      require(pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'assets', fileName))

// Register relations
for (const fileName of glob.sync(
  pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'relations', '*', '*.js')
)) {
  const dirName = pathModule.dirname(fileName);
  const assetType = pathModule.basename(dirName);

  const Relation = require(fileName);